You want to organise a “replica debate” in your school, your club, your university… The documents used during the debate are available. Download the magazine, the videos, the presentation of the debate, the different tools and use it to organise your own debate or as information material.

ESA & you magazine
“ESA and You” looks back at the history of the space agency: from its creation to its development with 22 member states: 41 years of cooperation for space.

Citizens’ Space magazine
ESA’s Citizen Debate Journal is a valuable resource to start your dialogues. You will find interviews, feature articles, educational maps… to explain the major issues at stake in space.

Videos to start discussions
You can also download the videos on the topics covered each day. These are information materials that will help you to start the discussions. They are subtitled in all languages.

Organiser’s toolkit
Questionnaires, facilitation and animation documents, choice of method and process … find the user guide to organise your own debate on the space.