Citizens’ Debate on Space for Europe
Why go to the moon? What is the point of discovering Mars? To what extent do space programmes contribute to the well-being of society? These are all questions and more that have been at the heart of the citizens’ debate on space for Europe on September 10th 2016.

In a nutshell
This unique dialogue, which took place in the 22 European Space Agency (ESA) member states, brought together more than 2000 people aged 15 to 89. What came out of it? 90% of the participants believe that space is a common good of mankind, two-thirds believe that space should be considered as a source for trade, industry and economic development…
Watch the debate’s conclusion video
Key numbers
debates in the 22 ESA Member States and in 17 languages
persons mobilised,
from 15 to 89 years old
participants, 400 volunteers
and organisers to facilitate the
discussions and transcript the results
of satisfied participants
after the debate